

Photography Anton Reenpää

Roosa Murto

Felix Damski, 22, vietti viikon vankilassa, koska hän kieltäytyi siviilipalveluksesta juuri ennen sen loppua. Turpaan ei tullut, mutta hampaaton murhamies, huumeneulat ja kinkku kasvisruokana tulivat Sörnäisten vankilassa tutuiksi.

Saavun porteille suuressa poliisisaattueessa. Olo on huvittunut. Seinäkalenterissa tyttö istuu puolialastomana moottoripyörän päällä, kun minusta otetaan vankilarekisterikuva.

Monien lukittujen ovien ja porttien jälkeen hämmästyn: Sörnäisten vankila on aivan älyttömän hieno rakennus. Sisäpihat ovat valtavia ja käytävät labryrinttimaisia.

Kättelen innokkaasti vartijaa ja sanon kuuluvalla äänellä oman nimeni. Hän tiedustelee, olenko kännissä. Kun vaatteita luovuttaessa vitsailen ja pyydän likaisia sukkiani pestynä takaisin, pamppua ei naurata. Vankilatyyli on aika hip hop. Boksereiden yhteen lahkeeseen mahtuisi kaksi jalkaa ja mekkoa joku saattaa kutsua t-paidaksi.

Saan kuulla, että sellitoverini on kaksimetrinen kongolainen homo, kohta on ruoka ja tervemenoa lusimaan. Sellissä odottaa leppoisa talousrikollinen. Hän laittaa kahvit tulille ja tarjoaa kääretorttua. Lue loppuun


Lauri Kolttola
Toistaiseksi nimetön (yksityiskohta) 2013

Tania Nathan

There is a wedge of sunlight across the grass. In it a dog sits grinning. Her friends are running around the fenced doggy park, tails waving as they bark and play. Their owners stand around, laughing and chatting. Now, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this idyllic scene is taking place somewhere in the rolling hills of Tuscany. But it’s not – instead it’s happening in a grimy corner of Sörnainen, where two main streets bisect and trams kick up dust clouds as cars roar past filling the air with fumes. Yet this gathering of dog owners is simply one of the many that takes place in the numerous dog parks that dot the cityscape of Helsinki, a city not known for random conversation – nor for tranquility. Puppy love has conquered the city.

Why – in this Nordic country, of ice, faceless forests and hostile elevator silences – do dogs of all sizes reign supreme? Ask any dog owner why they would invite a four-legged family member (never is a dog referred to as an animal in this country) to share the precious square meters of their tiny studio apartments and their otherwise clean, orderly and precise lives, and the answer is simple. Love. To come home to smiling face, to go to a park and chase squirrels for an hour, or to have dinner with a creature that utterly adores you and never complains that it’s chicken again. It is a love that demands no love back, it is an unfussy, definition-free zone where there are no actions required, no grand gestures and no threats of breakups or messy divorces.

In the grand old neighborhood of Ullalinna that curves around the coastline of Helsinki, mornings are also homage to the area’s four legged residents. The rascals and darlings trot the streets for their morning constitutionals, greet each other somberly and allow their owners to ask politely after Pippa’s health or Rufus’s obedience lessons. Never mind that they don’t know each others names – yet know the intricacies of Hupi’s house training and Mosse’s stomach ailments. Ullalinna is also home to two doggy daycares, set up to provide much needed socialization for those long hours when owners sadly must work to keep Fifi in milkbones. A friend once said that if he could choose, it would be to live as a dog in Finland – a grand existence. But as I sit in my favorite café, I watch a tiny, mischievous poodle flit from table to table, standing on his hind legs to investigate. I laugh and in response he turns, offering a quick wink before skittering off in search of his owner. Ah, to know puppy love? There’s an even grander existence. <3


Photography Antti Nylén

Concept and Photography by Antti Nylén ”Ilman rakkautta olisin vain lihaa peruskalliolla.”



Photography Marko Rantanen

The purpose of their work is to think, and to act. Even the smallest actions are important These agents of change are bold, innovative and fearless . They deeply love what they do.


Photography Marko Rantanen Courtesy of Public Action No.4 2013

TUULA HALÈN, Banker and Vintage Art & Design Lover

”Intohimonani on kerätä vintage -vaatteita, design-huonekaluja sekä taidetta aina vuosisadan alusta tähän päivään saakka. Vuosikymmenillä tai suunnittelijoilla ei ole minulle merkitystä. Tärkeintä on, että rakastan tuotetta. Olen kasvanut musiikin, taiteen ja designin keskellä. Isäni oli taiteen harrastaja. Hän rakensi viuluja samalla kuin äitini kiillotti tanskalaisia designhuonekalujamme. Perustamani VirgoFlow; Store ja Garage Gallery ovat vastapainoa pankkityölleni.”<3 



Photography Marko Rantanen Courtesy of Public Action No.4 2013

OSSI HURTTILA, Entrepreneur and Founder of Overboard Ltd

”Kipinä tuli vanhemmiltani, kun olin 13 -vuotias ja päätin perustaa skeittikaupan. Idea lähti harrastuksestani. Lopulta saimme tuotteita myyntiin Santaco Sportilta ja oli mielenkiintoista nähdä miten pärjään. Overboard oli vuodesta 2002 nettikauppa. Me koodasimme ensimmäisten joukossa ostoskorijärjestelmän, koska veljeni Simo osasi tehdä sen. Nyt liikevaihtomme on noin miljoona euroa. Intohimona on edelleen skeitti – ja koko alan kehittäminen.”<3

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Slava Mogutin_Marko Shiva

Slava Mogutin

Slava Mogutin is a New York based Russian artist and author, exiled from Russia for his outspoken writings and activism. And it’s this rich bicultural literary and dissident background that informs his work. Mogutin’s diverse themes range from displacement and identity, transgression and disfiguration of masculinity and gender crossover, and urban youth subcultures.

For over a decade Mogutin has been known for a photographic body of work that ranges from highly stylized, iconographic images to portraits of rare boldness and honesty. Lushly colored images test connections between the descriptive clarity of photography and the haze of memory. Layered shots of people and nature come together and seem to blend into or grow out of nature itself.

Throughout the exploration of the formal aspects of his work, Mogutin continues to look for other ways to use the camera as a voyeuristic tool. He explores the character and emotion of his subjects and simultaneously exposes their insecurities and vulnerabilities. The pictures’ success lies in the fact that Mogutin continues to tell stories of real people and real experiences, and that, throughout his work, he remains a true poet.<3

”I’ve always enjoyed breaking taboos and stereotypes.I think that’s what real art is about, and I’ve paid my dues for expressing myself in the most radical and honest way.”

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Tiitus Petajäniemi
Suuri tomaatti 2013

Gerald Steinmetz

Hamlet lists “the Pain of Despised Love” as the worst of life’s burdens, along with ageing, the oppressor’s wrong, the law’s delay, and the insolence of office. What is this thing called Love? It has been defined by God, priests, poets, Freud, pop stars – even the market – as being generally a good thing. In our day we tend to believe the biologists. Love is a brief flirtation with madness.

It could be argued that we do not take many risks when our hearts hook up. The loved one is usually of the same social group and well within our standards of attractiveness. We do not try to get off with a Hugh Jackman or a Katie Cassidy. Still, the girls of our heart’s desire seem towers of desire swaying on five-inch heels, gorgeous legs right up to the start of their strumpet shorts, a décolleté like a bungee jump, diamond-studded nostrils, mascara and eyelashes as false as a phony Monet. (You probably think this piece is about you, you’re so vain). Guys by comparison look feeble in their covering of tattoos, or their grim suit and tie (hardly changed in a century). Amazing that we ever succeed at all.

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Graphic Design Antti Karvanen

Helsinki will formally embrace the Suspended Coffee movement during the week of 12.9-19.2013. Most important, iconic and contemporary cafes and restaurants are together building a better and fairer Helsinki.It’s to support each other and express compassion, love and empathy. It’s to acknowledge we’ve all been there. It’s to encourage each other to keep going. It’s to prove love exists.<3

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Made in Kallio
Photography Kai Kuusisto Courtesy of Public Action No.4 2013

Photography Kai Kuusisto

First, it’s simple. You walk into a coffee shop and instead of buying just one cup of coffee  you buy two – or more. You buy one for yourself and one for someone in need, perhaps an elderly person. You not only support a senior citizen in need, you also support your local business and it’s employees. Your money stays right in the café’s neighborhood. It’s to get you through the day. It’s to remind you to be strong. It’s to celebrate you. It’s to fight right along with you. And it’s to remind us all to be happy and to love each of other. The tradition began over a hundred years ago in the cafes of Naples, Italy, when customers who’d had a lucky day bought a cup of coffee and offered coffee as well for someone in need, as a “coffee sospesa”. Later, when someone asked whether there were any ”Suspended coffee” available his or her cup of coffee was served up free of charge! The Suspended Coffee initiative was a big hit, spreading first within Italy, and some years later reaching Britain, Spain, America, Australia, Canada and other nations. <3

Factory Street Gallery
Photography Kai Kuusisto Courtesy of Public Action No.4 2013

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Photography Matti Tanskanen

Styling Shadi&Stephanie Productions

Model Niina Björkman

Model Management Paparazzi

Jacket Penny Lane
Shoes Karen Miller
Photography Matti Tanskanen Courtesy of Public Action No.4 2013

Dress Penny Lane
Photography Matti Tanskanen Courtesy of Public Action No.4 2013


“Love is patient, love is kind, love is not

envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.

It does not insist on its own way, it is not

irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice

in wrong-doing, but rejoices in the truth.

It bears all things, believes in all things,

hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends.”

(I Corinthians 13:4-8, Anonymous, Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version.)


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_VD42534_LOWRES kopio

Jani Leinonen We Are Sorry, 2013
Metal, plexiglas, neon lights 248 x 146 x 15 cm
Photography Vilhelm Sjöström Courtesy of Showroom Helsinki

Alina Weckström

‘How to listen to the other, to open one self, horizontally, to the other’s sense, without preventing the return to one self, to one’s proper way?’

This is a question French feminist and philosopher Luce Irigaray poses to us, to humanity. So how is it then in the contemporary age of mass media and with streams of information constantly seeping through our consciousness – or more possibly our unconscious – that we keep love alive? Are we too distracted today by technology to see the other person for who they really are, to truly fall in love and not to ‘return to oneself’ or recoil in a narcissistic and self-indulgent way? An Orwellian take on love may be a little extreme to apply to our society. We’ve still got it in us and our hearts are still beating, but our ways of connecting with one another and sharing our lives has inextricably changed, perhaps forever.

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Kanerva Mantila & Outi Pyy

They are happy. They have full owner ship o f their time. They do everything with a good spirit, leaving lot s of memories and stories to us . We love seniors. And of course we’ll join them one day.<3

Photography Kanerva Mantila Courtesy of Public Action No.4 2013

IRINA SANTTO, Age 68, Councilor ”What love is cannot be taught, it has to be given.”

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PA_Vallila_suunnittelijat_kuva Verna Kovanen_Vallila Interior (6)

Vallila Interior Designers (from left to right) Matleena Issakainen, Saara Eklund, Riina Kuikka and Tanja Orsjoki. Photography Verna Kovanen Courtesy of Vallilla Interior 2013


”Suvilahti” design by Riina Kuikka for Vallilla Interior Collection Autumn/Winter 2013

Vallilan suunnittelijat  Matleena Issakainen, Saara Eklund, Riina Kuikka ja Tanja Orsojoki ovat kiteyttäneet tekstiilisuunnitteluun olennaisemman.  Vallilan Syksy/Talvi 2013 verhokankaat symboloivat Helsingin monimuotoista urbaania kulttuuria: kaupunkia ympäröivää eteeristä luontoa — modernismin rytmiä, 1900-luvun alun tapettidesignia ja antiikin satuja. Kokoelmasta löytyy mm. hispterisukupolven pyhiinvaelluskohde ”Suvilahti”-niminen verhokangas. ”Miro” -kankaassa tuntee melkein punaisen maalin hajun. ”Romulus” -kuosi tulkitsee antiikin mytologiaa dadaistisesti nykypäivään. ”Malla” -verhokangas tuo mieleen mummolan punaisen tuvan tapetit. ”Metsänhenki” ja ” Pihajengi” kertovat luonnon ja kaupunkilaisten yhä lähenevästä suhteesta urbaanissa kaupunkikulttuurissa.

Vallilan tekstiilien visuaalinen muotokieli poikkeaa virkistävällä tavalla suomalaisesta nykysuunnittelusta. Painopiste suunnittelussa ei ole enää ”Finnish Designin” uudistuneessa  retrotulkinnassa. Suunnittelun ydin on siirtynyt lähelle 80 -luvulla syntyneen sukupolven ”omia juttuja”: urbaaneihin maamerkkeihin ja luonnon kiertokulun uusekletistiseen tulkintaan. Modernismia, mytologiaa ja mielikuvituksellista satukerrontaa unohtamatta.Vallilan suunnittelijoiden kuvat on ottanut lahjakas nuori valokuvaaja Verna Kovanen.<3

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four_pack_orange_by Philip_Lazlo

”Four pack orange” by Philip László for Vallila Interior Collection A/W 2013

Philip László

Taiteilija Philip Lászlón kuvissaan ovat keskiössä hylätyt romukasat. Hän vertaa niitä unohdettuihin ihmisiin, jotka ”yhteiskunta heitää kuin romut kaatopaikalle”. László on puhutellut valikoitua yleisöä 1970-luvun alusta lähtien yhteikunnallisella taiteellaan. Hänen teoksensa ovat viiltävän ajankohtaisia  – ja poliittisia. Lászlón valokuvat eivät huuda. Ne puhuvat hiljaa puolestaan. Lászlón Vallilalle suunnittelema ”Four Pack” on tehty kunnioituksensa unohdetuille yksinäisille ihmisille. Kirkkaan täyteläiset värit julistavat Lászlón ihmisyysden sanomaa eriliaisissa urbaaneissa kodeissa, julkisissa tiloissa ja 2013 Flow -festivaalilla.<3

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Photography Idan Raichel Project

Idan Raichel

IIn Israel, military service is mandatory for all young men and women, so at age eighteen. Idan Raichel was conscripted in to the Israeli army. It was in this military setting that Idan developed musical skills that would prove essential later in life. Rather then heading to the front line soft his volatile region, Idan joined the Army rock band and tour ed military bases, performing covers of Israeli and European pop hits. From the beginning, Idan saw the experience as a collaboration be t ween artists who each bring their own musical culture and talent sto the stage. As part of what became known as The Idan Raichel Project he brought to get herd different musicians from awide variety of back grounds. including Ethiopians, Jews and Arabs among others .The Idan Raichel Project become known a round the world for its cross -cultural collaborations that changed the idea of Israeli popular music and offered young, tolerant , multi – ethnic Israelis a music that all the universe could love.<3

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Installation view of “When Attitudes Become Form: Bern 1969/Venice 2013 ”From left to right: Stephen Kaltenbach Graffiti Stamp: Lips of Artist, 1968; Joseph Kosuth I. Space (Art as Idea) Tagwacht” March 8/9 1969, “Illustrierte” March 8/9 1969, “Der Bund” March 9 1969, “Berner Tagblatt” March 8/9 1969, 1969 Fondazione Prada, Ca’ Corner della Regina Venice, 1 June – 3 November 2013 Photo: Attilio Maranzano Courtesy: Fondazione Prada


From left to right:Joseph Beuys, Bill Bollinger and Keith Sonnier“When Attitudes Become
Form” Kunsthalle Bern, 1969 Photo: Shunk Kender © Roy Lichtenstein Foundation

Tiina Alvesalo

”It is all about visual rhythm. Visual rhythm is a representation of avant-garde drama. My source of inspiration is Arte Povera, literally meaning ‘poor art’, which is a modern art movement organized by Italian art critic and curator Germano Celant. The term was first introduced in Italy in the 1960’s and 70’s when artists began attacking the values of established institutions and culture.“

The Fondazione Prada presents an exhibition at Ca’ Corner della Regina in Venice entitled “When Attitudes Become Form: Bern 1969/Venice 2013”. In a surprising and novel reworking, the project reconstructs “Live in Your Head. When Attitudes Become Form,” a show originally curated by Harald Szeemann at the Bern Kunsthalle in 1969, which made history trough the curator’s radical approach to exhibition practice based on a linguistic medium. To present today an exhibition from 1969, exactly as it was, including its original visual ann formal relations and links between the works, has posed a series of questions related to the complexity and very meaning of the project. This in fact developed into a profound debate from various perspectives: the artistic, the architectural and the curatorial. It is, in fact, an exercise in “double occupancy”: in a way similar to how the spaces of the Venice Kunsthalle were occupied by a generation of young revolutionary artists in 1969.

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Walter De Maria Art by Telephone, 1967 “When Attitudes Become Form” Kunsthalle Bern,
1969 Courtesy The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (2011.M.30) Photo: Balthasar
Burkhard © J. Paul Getty Trust

Tina Caven

Taiteen rakastajasta tulee ensimmäisenä mieleen mesenaatti, joku joka kerää taidetta tai tukee taiteen tekemistä muuten huomattavilla summilla. Mutta todellisuudessa monet meistä taiteen rakastajista ovat vapaamatkustajia, koska osa taidemuseoiden näyttelyistä, galleriat, kirjastot, julkiset teokset ja arkkitehtuuri ovat nautittavissa aivan ilmaiseksi ja useimmat pääsymaksullisetkin kokemukset ovat vahvasti yhteiskunnan tukemia. Taiteen parissa kulutettu aika kertoo kuitenkin lahjomattomasti siihen kohdistuvista asenteista ja arvostuksesta. Elämä ilman taidetta on köyhää, tylsää ja vailla sisältöä, kuin elämä ilman rakkautta.

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1. Ekosähkö on vihreän sähkön tienraivaaja .

2. Yritysten valittavissa se on ollut vuodesta 1995 ja kotitalouksille mahdollisuus valita sähköntoimittajansa tuotantotavan perusteella tuli mahdolliseksi syksyllä 1998.

 3. Ekosähkö tuotetaan kotimaassa sijaitsevissa pienvoimalaitoksissa 100 % uusiutuvilla bioenergialla, tuulella ja vesivoimalla.

4. Ekosähkö erottuu kotimaisuudellaan ja pienvoimalaitostuotannolla, jotka ovat työllistäviä ja yrittäjyyttä kannustavia.

5. Ekosähkön valtteja ovat uudet tuotantolähteet (ei pelkkää vanhojen vesivoimalaitosten voimaa) ja innovatiivisuus (bioenergialaitos). Lue loppuun


Vallila ”Pesä” – ”A House” by Design Matleena Issakainen

Matleena Issakaisen suunnittelema verhokuosi ”Pesä” Vallilan Syksy/Talvi 2013 mallistosta viestittää elämän ihmeellisestä kulusta. Aisti luontoa. Katsele. Hidasta. Huolehdi ympäristöstä ja toisista ihmisistä. Issakaisen suunnittelema verhokuosi tuo luonnon mystisen läheisyyden kotiisi. Vallilan A/W 2013 Oma juttu -teemassa matkataan yhdessä astetta rauhallisempaan ja luonnonläheisempään arkeen.

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2012-12-22 16.55.41

Kaivopuisto, Ullanlinna Helsinki Finland, area 0,45 km², population density 1 091/km². Ullanlinna is the southern-most city district of Helsinki, Finland. There are more dogs in household than anywhere else in Finland. ”Love” lives here.<3 Lue loppuun



tyomme_maailmalla_0 Photography Anne S. Hørstad

Almost one billion people go to bed hungry every night, even though the world produces enough food to feed everyone, according to a report released by the Red Cross.

David Peppiatt, British Red Cross international director, said: “It is distressing that such huge numbers of people are hungry and can’t get enough food to eat for reasons that are avoidable. It’s a sad fact that this is a disaster on a large scale and the situation isn’t improving.”